Retreat Course North – 7 Point Mind Training, part 3
August 13, 2025 - August 20, 2025
We continue the transmission of the Lojong or Mahayana Mind Training in Seven Points, following the commentary of Shamar Rinpoche.
The development of Bodhicitta is the vital point of the entire Buddhist Path: dissolving the delusion of self-centeredness. This text addresses both relative and absolute Bodhicitta. The more we engage with this teaching, the more we will see how it touches upon all aspects of our lives.
This Retreat Course will consist of 5 days of teaching and guided practice, (optionally) followed by 3 days of intensive practice and Q/A sessions for those who wish to stay.
Note that this is a retreat course: by registering, we commit to joining all practice and teaching sessions, and to maintain retreat conditions for the duration of the course, whether it be at Liensfeld or at your home.
This course is offered in person and online and is open to anyone without prerequisites.
Language: German with English translation.
Lama Walli & Lama Chris